Our Story
It all began with a simple yet profound belief: that every gift has the power to create lasting connections and bring joy to both the giver and the recipient. This belief paved the foundation for LLD Gifts, a venture born out of a deep passion for making people feel special and cherished while spreading joy. Each of our gifts is handmade with love and a personal touch.
Giving back is also a big part of who we are; we support charities like Make a Wish, the Lymphoma Leukemia Society, the Sanfilippo Syndrome Foundation, and more.
Children with disabilities hold a special place in my heart. I was born with a rare heart condition called Transposition of the Great Vessels. I spent most of my first year in a hospital incubator, hooked up to life support, waiting for my heart to grow big enough for open-heart surgery. The odds were against me, and the doctors warned my parents that even if I survived, I would face numerous challenges and limitations. They were told not to expect me to live a full life, let alone start a family.
But here I am years later, having defied every prediction. I live a vibrant, healthy life with my wonderful husband and our beautiful 4-year-old son. My journey has taught me the power of hope and resilience. Through LLD Gifts, I aim to inspire children with disabilities to stay positive and believe in their limitless potential. They, too, can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.